TIMES OF CHANGE



                   TO SUSTAINABLE


                                                          GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE
                                                   DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2023

Independent Group of Scientists appointed by the Secretary-General, Global Sustainable
Development Report 2023: Times of crisis, times of change: Science for accelerating transformations to sustainable
development, (United Nations, New York, 2023).
Design and graphics by Camilo J. Salomon
Copyright © 2023 United Nations
All rights reserved
United Nations publication issued by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Herausforderungen für das Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement von Unternehmen

Anpassungsstrategien und
Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement von
Unternehmen im Kontext von Climate Governance

Green Cities im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeit 

Green cities are an imperative solution, not only in meeting global environmental challenges but also in helping to ensure socio-economic prosperity at the local level. 

Researchers’ approaches to stakeholders 


Stakeholder interaction is important for enabling environmental research to support the societal transition to sustainability. 

Environmental Science and Policy 97 (2019) 25–35

Ordnungspolitische Rahmenbedingungen

Ökonomische Regulierung
von Wasserversorgungsunternehmen in Deutschland
Die (institutionen-)ökonomische Perspektive 


Nachhaltige Entgelte in der Wasserwirtschaft 

 Zwischen Effizienzdebatte und Nachhaltigkeitstransformation 

Intersektorale Betrachtungen

Sustainable development and the water–energy–food nexus

The water–energy–food nexus is being promoted as a conceptual tool for achieving sustainable development. Frameworks for implementing nexus thinking, however, have failed to explicitly or adequately incorporate sustainable livelihoods perspectives.

E.M. Biggs et al. / Environmental Science & Policy 54 (2015) 389–397

Klimawandel im ökologisch-hydrogeologischen Kontext

How to incorporate climate change into modelling environmental water outcomes: a review

Environmental water represents a key resource in managing freshwater ecosystems against pervasive threats. The impacts of climate change add further pressures to environmental water management, yet anticipating these impacts through modelling approaches remains challenging due to the complexities of the climate, hydrological and ecological systems. In this paper, we review the challenges posed by each of these three areas. Large uncertainties in predicting climatic changes and non-stationarities in hydrological and ecological responses make anticipating impacts difficult.

In addition, a legacy of relying on modelling approaches informed by historic dependencies in environmental water science may confound the prediction of ecological responses when extrapolating under novel conditions. We also discuss applying ecohydrological methods to support decision-making and review applications of bottom-up climate impact assessments (specifically eco-engineering decision scaling) to freshwater ecosystems. These approaches offer a promising way of incorporating climatic uncertainty and balancing competing environmental objectives, but some practical challenges remain in their adoption for modelling environmental water outcomes under climate change.

Journal of Water and Climate Change 11.2 (2020), 327 - 340

Governance des 6. UN Nachhaltigkeitsziels & Bewertungsansätze von aquatischen Schutzgebieten

Unpacking Water Governance: 

A Framework for Practitioners

Water governance has emerged as an important topic in the international arena and is acknowledged to be a crucial factor for adequate and sustained progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6. However, there is not enough clarity about the practical meaning of the term “water governance” and how to work with it. This paper reviews the term’s use, to reveal how the concept is understood, referred to, and implemented in practice by different stakeholders.

Based on literature review and consultations with experts, we identify and describe the core components of water governance (functions), describe their potential qualities when performed (attributes), and how they interrelate with the values and aspirations of the different stakeholders to achieve certain outcomes. These different components are described in detail to construct an operational framework to assess and work with water governance, which covers water and sanitation services delivery, water resources management and transboundary waters.

Water 2020,12, 827; doi:10.3390/w12030827

Comparative Assessment of Water Governance in Protected Areas

This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the governance systems of nature areas in relation to resilience measures in the field of water and nature management. The main question is to identify the key characteristics of governance that influence the resilience of the selected areas.

The purpose of this comparative study is to understand and explain how aspects within the governance context influence the success of policy initiatives or measures towards resilience goals. For comparison, the hierarchic method is used. The results of the five case studies are compared: four cases from the Netherlands and one from UK. For the assessment of the governance of selected areas the governance assessment tool is used to systematically assess the relevant elements and qualities of the governance contexts and to understand the circumstances for the implementation of adaptive measures. The results of the comparison reveal different combinations of the governance qualities creating, to some extent, the setting for the resilience of the areas in which external factors and continuous interaction between layers of the governance system influence the adaptive capacity of the governance to manage resilience.

Water 2020, 12, 740; doi:10.3390/w12030740

Exkurs zu Postwachstumsansätzen

Ansätze zur Ressourcenschonung im Kontext von Postwachstumskonzepten

TEXTE 98/2020
Ressortforschungsplan des Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Forschungskennzahl 3715 311040 FB000226

Im Mittelpunkt dieses Endberichts steht die Frage, welche Rolle die Wirtschaftsleistung und ihre künftige Entwicklung in einem wohlhabenden Land wie Deutschland bei der Einhaltung planetarer Grenzen spielt. Wir möchten zum Verständnis dieser relevanten Kontroverse beitragen, indem wir in diese Debatte systematisierend einführen, Analysen zu zahlreichen Aspekten vorlegen, offene Fragen aufzeigen und politische Handlungsorientierungen ableiten. Durch die Darstellung, Analyse und erste Bewertung von zentralen Argumenten und Schlussfolgerungen der Postwachstumsliteratur leistet das Papier einen Beitrag dazu, diesen bisher vor allem in Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft geführten Diskurs für ein breiteres Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Innerhalb des Diskurses gibt es zwei besonders prominente und eindeutig antagonistische Positionen, deren politische Konsequenzen einander widersprechen: Green Growth und Degrowth. Unsere Analysen in Kapitel 2 zeigen, dass beide Positionen auf Kernannahmen beruhen, die sich wissenschaftlich nicht hinreichend begründen bzw. belegen lassen. Keine dieser Positionen sollte daher für sich beanspruchen, als alleinige Strategie für umweltpolitisches Handeln dienen zu können. Daher schlagen wir eine dritte Position vor und stellen sie mit diesem Papier zur Diskussion: die „vorsorgeorientierte Postwachstumsposition“. Diese Auffassung hat aus unserer Sicht das Potenzial, einen neuen Konsens in der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte zu bilden.